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Introducing Insights Discovery

Taster Session​​​​​​


Find out how Insights Discovery methodology works, the benefits it has withing an organisation and why being an Accredited Insights Practitioner matters.

Colour Energies

The Insights Discovery methodology 

uses a simple and memorable four colour model to help understand style, strengths and the value an individual can bring to a team. We call these the colour energies, and it's the unique mix of Fiery RedSunshine YellowEarth Green and Cool Blue energies, which determines how and why you behave the way you do.

Taster Session

Date: Multiple days available

Venue: Online

Course Duration: 90min

Why become accredited?

Insights Discovery goes straight to the core of any business challenge, offering profound insights that can revolutionise how organisation operates. 

Why Choose Us?

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  • Guided Expertise

  • Resourceful Learning

  • Cost-Effective Support

  • Community

Next Step

Book a discovery call to find how Insights Discovery Accreditation is beneficial.

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